Is there anything you are not happy with?
If you are dissatisfied or feel that something has gone wrong with a service we have performed, we want you to get in touch.
Talk to your caseworker
First and foremost, contact the employee who handled your case with us. If you do not have contact information for that person, call our exchange on 08-23 28 00 or send an e-mail to info@nordiska.se and we will help you.
Register a complaint
If you are still dissatisfied despite the help you have been offered, you can contact our Complaints Manager. Our Complaints Manager acts as an independent party who represents you internally at Nordiska and who has the right to reconsider and re-evaluate your complaint.
In order for your case to be considered a complaint, it must fulfil Finansinspektionen's definition of complaints which states that a complaint is a "concrete dissatisfaction with the handling of a financial service or product." General comments and general expressions of dissatisfaction or discontent, that are considered to be of little importance to the Customer Finansinspektionen, do not define as a complaint.
Register complaints by filling out the form:
In order for us to process your complaint as well as possible, you need to enter the following:
- Your name and your contact details.
- The service or product to which the complaint relates.
- Date and time the problem arose.
- Description of the problem including support information / evidence.
- If you want compensation, you also need to specify how you want to be compensated. If you request financial compensation, you need to specify the desired amount.
You can also register your complaint by calling us on 08 - 28 23 00 or sending a letter to Nordiska Kreditmarknadsaktiebolaget, Att: Klagomålsansvarig, Box 173, 101 23 Stockholm.
Our Complaints Manager will contact you as soon as possible after we receive your complaint.
The length of time it will take to process your complaint depends on how extensive the complaint is and how many departments at Nordiska are involved. However, the investigation of your complaint must begin no later than 14 days after it has been received.
Additional alternatives
If you are still not satisfied, you have the opportunity to contact the General Complaints Board for an alternative dispute resolution: www.arn.se, Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm.
You also have the opportunity to request free guidance from your municipal consumer guidance or via Konsumenternas Bank- och finansbyrå: www.konsumenternas.se.