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Nordiska’s governance

Corporate governance

Nordiska is a Swedish public limited liability company though not listed on a stock exchange. Our business is regulated by both external legislation and our internal regulations, and our highest decision-making body is the General Meetings.

Nordiska is subject to both external and its own internal control systems

Externally through obligations that mainly follow from the Banking and Financing Business ACT (2004: 297) and other statutes, EU legislation, ordinances, regulations from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities as well as relevant recommendations from the European Banking Authority (EBA).

Internally through the Articles of Association, the Board's rules of procedure, policies, instructions and routine descriptions.



The Annual General Meeting is Nordiska's highest decision-making body and appoints the Board. The Board, in turn, appoints the CEO who is responsible for the day-to-day operational activities.

Learn more about our organisation


The Board has the overall responsibility for Nordiska's operations and organisation, and its main task is to safeguard the interests of the shareholders and the company.

Meet the Board of Directors

Risk management and internal control with our three lines of defence

The Board has the ultimate responsibility for limiting and monitoring risk exposure within Nordiska. In order for us to have an effective organisation with clear roles and areas of responsibility within risk management and internal control, we follow the principle of three lines of defence.

More about our three lines of defence

Remuneration policy

Our remuneration policy governs the handling of variable remuneration to employees. The remuneration policy contributes to sound and efficient risk management and counteracts employees taking excessive risks. This is good both for you as a customer and for us as a company.

Read our compensation policy